
Inspiring Bible quotes - Psalm 37:23 - He makes firm the steps

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This inspiring Bible quote features Psalm 37:23 in a gorgeous hand-lettered design perfect for almost any space in your home.

"He makes firm the steps of those who delights in him. - Psalm 37:23"

This inspiring Bible quote is hand-designed and unique due to the fact that no typeset font was used in the design.

Our vinyl has a MATTE finish and can go on any CLEAN, smooth, dry, non-porous surface (wall, glass, plastic, etc.). It is removable although not reusable. (Please note, upon removal slight damage to paint might occur and minor touchup may be necessary.)

You don't have to put each letter on individually! Application instructions are included with every shipment.

*All Old Barn Rescue Company graphics are copyright designs. They are for personal use only and may not be used in resale.